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Fibrosis, the Enemy of Life.  
Heavy title! 
What is fibrosis? Fibrosis can be found in many forms. In women it can manifest as the 
estrogen driven diseases of Fibrocystic Breast Disease, Uterine Fibroids, Endometriosis 
and Ovarian Cysts. It can also be found post operatively in the Lymphedema had after 
mastectomy as the fibrin clogs the lymphatic drainage channels and thickens the 
lymphatic fluid. In both sexes fibrosis forms the post operative scar tissue that binds the 
intestines, or restricts the range of motion of a limb and joint or forms thickened scars and 
keloids marring cosmetic surgery. Fibrosis can develop in the arteries and forms the 
framework around which arterial sclerotic plaque builds. In COPD, Emphysema, 
Asthmatic and Chronic Bronchitis patients, fibrosis creates scar tissue as a spider web 
inside the lungs restricting their expansion and clogging alveolar sacs to prevent 
02 transfer to the blood. In men fibrosis grows inside the micro blood supply and spongy 
tissues of the penis restricting blood flow and full expansion during erection. This is the 
main reason why erection size diminishes with age. In another estrogen driven disease, 
Fibromyalgia, fibrosis grows on and in-between muscle bundles choking off their blood 
supply just as putting rubber bands around your wrist cuts off the blood supply to the 
  As we age, fibrosis 
grows inside of all our internal organs, 
diminishing their size 
Along with this the microcirculation gets clogged with fibrin plugs, which further  
ecreases blood supply. After a while without an adequate oxygen or blood sugar supply 
the effected tissue develop the intractable pain of ischemia. Pain meds, even opiates 
cannot take away ischemic pain. We know that holds true with heart attack patients 
and it also holds true for FMS patients. In all of us as we age (i.e. after 27), fibrosis grows 
inside of all of our internal organs diminishing their size. With that shrinkage comes a 
diminution of function. Med school anatomy teaches that this lowering of function is 
what ultimately leads to us dying as the organs fail due to weakness. All of this leads to a 
question: Why does this all seem to start after age 27? Good thing to ask. At or around 27 
our own production of proteolytic enzymes drops. We make a finite amount of 
enzymes in a lifetime and use about half of that by 25. (That's the reason why  young 
folks, though they make cancer cells  from the first day of life, don't usually develop that 
or most any of the other conditions mentioned, they have an adequate supply of 
proteolytic enzymes to fight off fibrosis and the fibrin that coats cancer cells to protect 
them). It is after our supply of proteolytic enzymes drops, to be spread through the rest of 
our lifetime, that we begin to develop the fibrosis conditions. (For you doctors out there, 
it's my contention that we can measure a pre morbid state from taking measures of 
proteolytic enzymes just as we can predict death within 3 days by measuring the levels of 
Dopamine. Useful diagnostic tool; maybe. Nifty research tool; certainly).
  If we can deal with the laying 
down of fibrosis as 
efficiently as we did when we 
where younger, then we would 
reduce much of what is 
trying to shorten our lives.
So, if we can deal with the laying down of fibrosis as efficiently as we did when we were younger, then 
we would avoid or reduce much of what is trying to shorten our lives or at least make 
us sick or less able. (Remember how well wounds healed then with thin, strong,  
pliable "unbumpy" scars when you were a kid)? Those who have read my article "The 
Essentials of Life and Wellness" on the www.drwong.info website know where I'm going 
to from here: The most important thing to put back into an aging body are not vitamins 
and minerals, not herbs, not the growth hormones but enzymes, the proteolytic enzymes.  
Vitamins and minerals are more properly named co enzymes and co factors. In other 
words, they are things that help enzymes to work. If the enzymes aren't there to begin 
with, then the vitamins and minerals have little to work on and little action. That's the 
reason why vitamin / mineral supplementation works so well for some and does not do 
squat for others, they have little of the enzymes they need to work on.  If we put in some 
of the primary protein eating enzymes then the body will cause the "enzyme cascade" 
creating thousands of new enzymes from the original 4 or 5. Everything else we do in 
regards to nutrition and exercise works better once we put the enzymes back into our 
bodies in significant amounts. Now in regards to fibrin, all proteolytic enzymes eat away 
at fibrin (fibrinolysis) to some degree but some are considerably stronger at that than 
others. If the proteolytic enzymes you put back are also very highly fibrinolytic then the 
scar tissue your body has been creating WILL be taken away. (This is a secret that 
plastic surgeons, internists and pulmonologists i.e. lung doctors, are learning about the 
product Vitalzym). The fibrin that is supposed to be there is marked by 
-  weak structure, (by not leaving enough space for epithelial tissue to grow through the 
fibrin matrix), 
-  restriction of range of motion (as regards joints and muscles) 
- diminution of size and function (as regards to internal organs). 
That is the secret behind the enzymes ability to go after that which is extra and leave 
behind what is needed for structure, just as it did in wound healing when you were a kid! 
A major step towards a better quality of life, higher levels of health and the attainment of 
wellness is the removal of excesses of fibrin from our bodies. Let's get back to the 
enzyme levels we had at 181 We'll live longer, happier, healthier and more functional 
lives for it! 
Success Story 
Seven years ago I had sclerotherapy 
done on one of my legs for varicose 
veins. My leg became infected after the 
procedure causing fibrosis to form. 3 
months ago I began experiencing an 
incredible amount of swelling, pain, and 
lumpiness. I began taking Vitalzym and 
in under a week I experienced a 
dramatic reduction in pain. It's been 
five weeks and my leg is now soft and 
supple. It's no longer inflamed and I 
consider the condition resolved!!!!! 
In addition, I have had several 
unexpected results! I have always had 
very sallow, yellowish skin, and now am 
pleased to report that my skin is a rosy 
pink and my circulation has improved! 
Recently, I went to the eye doctor and 
my vision has improved. In the past 
year I noticed that I had lost some of 
the vital capacity in my lungs 
and I was not able exhale 
fully. I was very worried 
about this and the Vitalzym 
cleared it up quickly. I can 
now exhale deep breaths! I 
feel as though my lungs 
have returned to normal. 
None have this would have 
been possible without 
Vitalzym, thank you!! 